Trademark Search
Opinion Report Projects

Trademark Search

  1. Trademark Search
What region do you want to search?
Region List Details
  • United States 
  • Canada 
  • European 
  • Latin America 
Word Mark
Design Mark / Image
Serial Number
Registration Number
Design Search Code
Please enter a mark (word)
Smart Goods & Services
Goods & Services Keyword Search Logic:
Within each group: Terms are connected using OR.
Between groups: Groups are connected using the operator you select (AND or OR). Your most recent operator selection determines the final logic applied to the search.

What does Huski's AI-powered image  trademark search engine do?

Multi-task image content search at once
  • Whole Image Analysis

  • Text-in-Image Detection

  • Key Feature Analysis

Millions of trademarks are covered
  • USPTO100% USPTO image and text trademarks
  • WIPO 70+ national and international trademark collections from WIPO's Madrid System (coming soon)
Contact us if you want to build a private search engine to search textual or pictorial assets from you or your clients.
Smart Goods & Services
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Smart Goods & Services


Recommend relevant goods and services based on semantic similarity or frequent co-occurrence.


Manual review and professional expertise are recommended for certain categories or emerging industry terms.

1. Input Description

Generate a detailed list of Goods & Services for a trademark application related to [industry/product/service].
Please generate a full list of Goods & Services for a company that sells [product/service type].
What are the appropriate classes and Goods & Services for a business offering [product/services]?
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