Exploring GPT-4's Potential in Legal:A Unique Conversation with AI

Two weeks ago, during the Huski webinar “Explore GPT’s Potential in Legal: How Should Lawyers Work Effectively with AI?”, we discussed many topical issues around the latest AI progress and its reception in the legal world. We are thrilled to share with you some of the highlights from the webinar, where we had the unprecedented opportunity to interact with GPT-4, the latest and most advanced AI language model, just like a human participant.

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Transforming Trademark Prosecution:Unleashing the Power of LLM in Huski.ai's GPT for 90 percent Efficiency Boost

In the fast-paced world of trademark prosecution, time is a precious resource. The ability to efficiently draft accurate and compelling legal documents can make all the difference in a successful case. However, lawyers often find themselves grappling with the challenges of creating legal documents from scratch and staying up to date with evolving templates. Huski.ai, a leading provider of trademark prosecution and brand protection services, has harnessed the power of cutting-edge technologies to revolutionize the legal industry.

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Introducing Huski AI's Multi-Search and Grouping, the New Features for an Enhanced Trademark Search Experience

As always, Huski AI is committed to improving our platform based on your valuable feedback, and with this update, we are introducing two trademark search functionalities that will make your search faster, more efficient, and more intuitive.

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Huski AI's Forward-Looking Approach for AI Usage Regulation

At Huski AI, we are thrilled about the promises of new generative artificial intelligence to enhance how we serve our clients. However, as a company comprised of AI and product experts, we are cognizant of the risks accompanying the surge in AI services. That is why we are taking a proactive stance to ensure our professionals utilize these groundbreaking technologies responsibly while upholding our strict commitment to safeguarding data privacy for our clients and ourselves.

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Enhancing Efficiency and Meaningful Notifications:May Product Update at Huski AI

Huski AI is constantly striving to optimize its platform and deliver a seamless user experience. In our latest product update for May, we are excited to introduce two significant enhancements that will revolutionize how you manage actions in docketing and streamline your notification process. Let’s dive into the details!

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Huski AI's Buzzworthy Appearance at INTA 2023 Annual Meeting in Singapore

We were thrilled to make our presence known at the prestigious INTA 2023 Annual Meeting in Singapore. As a leading AI company, we were eager to reconnect with old friends and colleagues while showcasing the latest developments in the AI world that have significant implications for trademark practices.

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Brand protection in the era of AI:Gear up or left behind

Artificial intelligence has stormed into the legal industry and started redefining the rules of the game. While the hype around AI often leads to unrealistic expectations, its potential to transform how we work is undeniable. For brand protection practices, AI brings both opportunities and challenges that call for a thoughtful yet proactive strategy.

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Huski.ai at USPTO AI Inventorship Event in Stanford University

Our CTO Dr. Guan Wang gave a speech at Stanford University for a USPTO event on AI inventorship. The esteemed committee consisted of Stanford professors of law and public policy, law firm partners, and leaders in the AI industry. The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) plays an important role in incentivizing and protecting innovation, including innovation enabled by artificial intelligence (AI), to ensure continued U.S. leadership in AI and other emerging technologies (ET). seek stakeholder input on the current state of AI technologies and inventorship issues that may result from their advancement. The discussion centered around a few fundamental questions of inventorship in the era of artificial general intelligence (AGI). Some of the questions included: How is AI used in the invention creation process? How does the use of an AI system in the invention creation process differ from the use of other technical tools? If an AI system contributes to an invention at the same level as a human who would be considered a joint inventor? What statutory changes, if any, should be considered as to U.S. inventorship law, and what consequences do you foresee for those statutory changes? Given the experience of this committee and the depth of the discussion, this event is easily one of the most influential and defining moments for the future of inventorship in the AI era. The key takeaways from some speakers are listed as the following.

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Piling Up the Power of Trademark Search - Introducing Domain Name & Common Law Search with Huski AI

Our latest feature additions, i.e., Domain Name & Common Law Search, mark a significant milestone in streamlining the trademark search process and offer invaluable insights into brand protection. Trademark search has evolved exponentially over the years, and Huski AI has been at the forefront of revolutionizing the domain. Traditionally, businesses relied on basic word searches and direct registrations to protect their trademarks. However, this limited approach often failed to provide comprehensive protection, leading to potential conflicts and infringements down the line.

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The Future of Trademark Law Practice Needs AI-Powered Solutions

As a trademark lawyer, you understand the complexity of protecting your clients’ brands and intellectual property. From trademark searches to monitoring company name usage, a comprehensive trademark search, watch, docketing, and enforcement system is a crucial aspect of your practice. In an increasingly competitive market, it’s imperative to choose the right solution – one that provides speed, accuracy, and security. And that’s where AI-powered solutions come in.

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