GDPR & CCPA Compliance at
Huski AI

About GDPR and CCPA

GDPR is the “General Data Protection Regulation” introduced by the European Union in April 2016. It’s a legislation that strengthened the consumer’s right to control their personal data for individuals in the EU.

CCPA, the “California Consumer Privacy Act” introduced in 2017, is also a privacy law that defines the rights of California consumers to know and control what personal information is being used by companies.

Both GDPR and CCPA are widely recognized all over the globe as the standard data protection and privacy requirements that companies must comply with in protection for their users’ privacy and data security.

How Huski AI Comply with GDPR and CCPA

Huski AI is a Delaware corporation based in the United States. We are the provider of advanced AI technology and data services for the trademark law. Huski AI takes data and user privacy as one of our first priorities since day one. As a leader in data science and AI technology in the field, we are committed to provide our service with the highest security and privacy standard. We will protect our user data, never sell it to any third parties, and we only collect what’s necessary to provide our services. You can learn more about our Terms and Policy here. You can also opt-out by emailing us at

We provide annual training on GDPR and CCPA to our employees. Everyone at Huski AI is aware of the importance of protecting our users’ data, and we have a process of doing it. We also have the complete mapping of our data, and the impact analysis in terms of data privacy of different data sources. We have also implemented a central logging engine to make sure that privacy issues will get reported, identified, and resolved as soon as possible.

For privacy concerns, issue reporting/discussion, or general feedback, you can reach us via email at, and by phone at xxx-xxx-xxxx. For data deletion requests, we will take action promptly to make sure the process is completed as quick as possible. And we will notify you once it’s done.

Our Approach to System Security and Data Privacy

We do our best to keep up with the industry standard best practices on secure system design and privacy-preserving data governance, including but not limited to encryption of all traffic, separation of duty design for our systems, and our engineering responsibilities.

To learn more about how we address common system vulnerabilities and security/privacy threats, please visit this page.