The Ultimate Collaboration - Human, Machine, and IP

The Ultimate Collaboration: [Hu]-Man, Machine & IP

By Relani Belous | Founder, The Trademark Channel

Let’s face it. Trademarks are exhilarating to me…but that is not the case for everyone.

But, we can all agree that protecting your brand is crucial if you are a business, and especially if you are a consumer you want to know you are getting what’s “real.” And with AI in the mix, the process has never been more resourceful — or dare I say — exciting.

Using AI’s speed and precision coupled with a streamlined ability to review such information is an efficient use of one’s time. For example, estimates and notes that AI can save law professionals 2 hours a day on trademark searches and opinion letters.

“AI will not replace humans, but may replace those humans not using AI,” Henry Du, CEO of, constantly reminds me.

Think of this ever-emerging toll akin to having the ultimate inventory of assets in your corner: essentially AI handles the heavy lifting, and the legal team can bring the human touch and diligent review needed for those complex decisions.

From trademark searches to monitoring and licensing and authentication, AI is transforming the way we protect intellectual property (IP).

Best part? You get to focus on what matters most: Growing your business and managing your time in an efficient manner.

So… let’s explore some of what’s out there.

AI in Trademark Searches: Precision at Lightning Speed

Trademark searches used to be a painstakingly slow process — pages of reports, waiting for days for the report to be vetted out and combing through massive databases and one of “hope.” But the AI of today is more robust and has morphed all that making the search process faster and more accurate.

AI can scan through global databases in seconds, flagging potential conflicts that would have otherwise taken hours or days to find. This includes those that relate to common law rights.

Take for example a new business building a fashion brand. The team is ready to trademark a new logo, but thanks to AI, they quickly uncover a conflicting mark locally and online pending with the USPTO.

Without AI, that conflict might have been missed and money would have been spent in vain. Instead, the business is advised to adjust its mark and plan to avoid potential legal pitfalls.

AI serves like a helmet for these businesses. Like riding a motorcycle, there is danger not only from the rider but those on the road. The helmet does not avoid accidents but can minimize the pain, damage, and suffering.

AI has not replaced me as a lawyer. It serves to supplement and enhance things. With AI doing its work in data crunching with speed, it is a tool that expands horizons and can lead in alternative and positive directions.

Monitoring and Enforcement: A Watchful Eye 24/7

So, you get through your diligence and you register your mark.

What happens now — do you just sit back and wait?

Actually, once your trademark is registered, the real work begins: Protecting and policing it.

Monitoring for infringement is a large and multifaceted task, manually checking in to see if any conflicts or imitators have popped up. But with the speed of business today and the growth of startups, that’s just not enough.

AI is like having a vigilant watchdog on duty 24/7 to supplement that alarm system you may or may not have, constantly scanning for potential infringements.

Again, take a new startup that received a watch notice about a new application with a similar mark. AI caught the issue before it turned into a legal battle, allowing this company to quickly shut down the infringement before it gained traction.

AI’s ability to continuously monitor the branding and vast digital space is a true assist for brand owners, and also has the potential to result in fewer costly legal battles. But of course, we should always keep in mind, it’s the attorney who interprets the findings, decides the course of action, and ensures the client’s brand stays protected.

Licensing with AI: Simplifying the Complex

Trademark licensing can be incredibly complex, especially when you’re dealing with multiple parties, jurisdictions, and legal terms. AI helps by analyzing licensing agreements, flagging potential inconsistencies, and even suggesting improvements based on precedent.

In fact, with all the celebrity branding as well, AI is also being monitored Federally and the No AI FRAUD Act is to prevent the unauthorized creation and use of AI-generated replicas of an individual’s likeness, voice, or other personal characteristics without that individual’s consent.

AI + Attorneys (human ones) = A Winning Team

While AI is an incredible tool, it doesn’t replace the role of an attorney and a legal advisory team. AI handles the heavy lifting — analyzing massive amounts of data and providing real-time insights — while the attorney ensures that the legal strategy is sound and of course not fabricated or a “hallucination.”

It’s a sensible “partnership,” where AI provides the efficiency and speed, and attorneys bring the expertise and judgment needed for complex decisions.

Together, as a unit AI and attorneys offer faster, more accurate, and cost-effective trademark solutions. It’s the best of both worlds.

So, get going and see what AI adventures, tools and software are out there… we already can see that Huski has a dog in the fight!

About is revolutionizing the way trademarks are protected. By blending cutting-edge AI technology with expert legal minds, we offer faster, more accurate, and cost-effective solutions for searching, monitoring, and licensing trademarks. With, your brand gets the protection it deserves without the hassle.

About The Trademark Channel

The Trademark Channel is where creativity meets intellectual property. Founded by Relani Belous, a trademark attorney with a fresh, dynamic approach, we specialize in protecting your brand with a combination of legal expertise and innovative strategies. At the Channel we report on and navigate the complexities of trademarks with confidence and style, helping businesses stay one step ahead.


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