Image | SN | Mark | Status | Filing Date | Primary Class | Owners | Litigation Index | |
S | 88382167 | SIDE | Registered | Apr-11-2019 | 036 Insurance and financial | SIDE, INC. | 1 | 0.05 |
C | 97515384 | COVE & KEY | Registered | Jul-22-2022 | 036 Insurance and financial | SIDE, INC. | 1 | 0.04 |
A | 97537316 | ASTON ROSE | Registered | Aug-05-2022 | 036 Insurance and financial | SIDE, INC. | 1 | 0.04 |
J | 97626305 | JETSET | Registered | Oct-10-2022 | 036 Insurance and financial | SIDE, INC. | 1 | 0.04 |
A | 97225170 | ALLUX | Pending | Jan-18-2022 | 036 Insurance and financial | SIDE, INC. | 1 | 0.01 |
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