Image | SN | Mark | Status | Filing Date | Primary Class | Owners | Litigation Index | |
F | 73007047 | FAIRFIELD | Registered | Nov-23-1973 | 034 Smokers articles 036,037,042 (total 4) | WYNDHAM VACATION RESORTS INC. | 21 | 1.59 |
E | 75081722 | EXTRA HOLIDAYS | Registered | Apr-01-1996 | 036 Insurance and financial | WYNDHAM VACATION RESORTS INC. | 21 | 1.35 |
P | 78658619 | PLUSPARTNERS | Registered | Jun-27-2005 | 036 Insurance and financial 039,043 (total 3) | WYNDHAM VACATION RESORTS INC. | 21 | 1.25 |
O | 78961594 | OCEAN WALK RESORT | Registered | Aug-28-2006 | 036 Insurance and financial | WYNDHAM VACATION RESORTS INC. | 21 | 1.24 |
W | 74544638 | WORLDMARK | Registered | Jul-01-1994 | 036 Insurance and financial | WYNDHAM RESORT DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION | 19 | 1.24 |
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